Sunday, 15 March 2015

Getting excited!

I'm starting to get ready for the first caravan trip of the year! I was up at the caravan storage today putting the battery back in (I keep it in the house over the winter to avoid it freezing). I was relieved to see that it had retained its charge as I need it to power the mover to get the caravan out of its space in storage and hitched up. I also checked the tyre pressures and the mover - two years ago the mover seized over the winter and couldn't be wound on to the wheels at the start of the season! A more regular regime of oiling the moving parts seems to have solved that problem. Fortunately my caravan does not suffer from damp (because it is quite draughty) so I don't need to remove the cushions over the winter. I do take out anything that might attract mice after another caravan at my storage suffered damage to the upholstery during a winter from mice, although I suspect they brought the culprits back from their last trip to France that season! I've never seen any sign of the little blighters in my caravan.

I've stocked up with tea and coffee and food for the birds (you can tell where my priorities lie!) and I've checked things like shampoo, toilet chemicals and loo roll so I'm now good to go! Everything else I need will be in the car. There's just one other thing still to do - book my pitches on the Caravan Club website. I can't wait!

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