Monday, 11 January 2016

A New Caravan Companion

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post because my caravan companion of more than 3 years, Tom the guinea pig, has died. He was at least 7 years old so he had done well but I will miss him. He was just ideal for taking in the caravan - no trouble at all. Instead, I now have a budgie called Cheeky who I am hoping will be my new companion in the caravan. I have been thinking of getting a budgie for some time, having looked after a friend's bird a few times, and so, when I spotted a budgie in the window of a caravan on a site last year, I had a chat with the owners. They said the budgie went everywhere with them and it certainly seemed quite happy in its cage in the caravan so I took that as encouragement.

Unfortunately my path to budgie ownership has not been trouble-free. I found a brand-new cage in my local charity shop in November and so had no more reason to delay getting an occupant. I saw an advert for baby budgies on Gumtree and bought a lovely white and blue baby bird from a breeder in Tullibody. He was very tame, sitting on my finger almost immediately, and I put the fact that he didn't fly very well down to his young age. Sadly, Happy was actually weak and ill and died six weeks after I had bought him. I was (and still am) heartbroken and was wary of trying again, however a friend recommended the pet shop in Kirkcaldy where she had got her healthy budgie and so now I have Cheeky. He is not nearly so tame (yet) but is a much better flyer and all round healthier bird. The original cage I bought is small enough to take in the caravan and I now have a bigger one for the house so I am hoping that, by the time I next go away in March, Cheeky will be travelling with me.